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BLOG: Fighting "THE" Urge

It's been weeks, maybe months, since I decided I wanted to start writing but until this past week, I kept making excuses. I wanted the PERFECT way to "start" my blog journey, the PERFECT post, the PERFECT way to tell you my story. But this week, was a week. So here goes ...

For as long as I can remember, I have used shopping as my coping mechanism; whether I was sad, happy, stressed ... whatever it was ... I shopped. Over the years, it really grew to more of a way to deal with my anxiety or when I felt helpless. Fortunately, 6 months ago I was put on Zoloft for PPD/A (Post Partum Depression and Anxiety) which has been a HUGE blessing ... but I will leave that for another post! :)

But over the past 10-14 days the following has happened:

1. A dear coworker was laid off

2. My husbands grandfather was put on hospice care

3. I found out I have to have surgery to remove a lump on my chest (99% positive it is non-cancerous -- AMEN).

4. I have had EXTREME stomach issues, which we thought was my medicine, but turns out, it more than likely isn't, and I had testing done and have more to come.

5. My 7m old son is cutting 4 new teeth and I am getting NO sleep

FIGHT THE URGE... breathe ....

Now, some of these things, are really no big deal in the grand scheme of life .... but all combined .... WHOA.

I also started a minimal lifestyle about 30 days ago (which is an entire different blog ... to keep a watch out) ... purging like CRAZY ... all of the clutter that takes up our home and our minds.

But all I want to do is SHOP. So I took the kids to Target .... and I was SO proud of myself cause that URGE was so REAL. but I proudly left only spending $30 .... now ladies .... we all know that that is a HUGE accomplishment.

Instead of spending money, I took 25 minutes and started doing the first round of purging of our playroom. THAT was freeing. For 25 minutes, I was in control ... in a healthy way.

So I am going to start fighting THE urge and instead PURGE!

So my question to all who choose to read this first, short blog .... What do YOU do when times get stressful? What do you fight or want to fight?

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