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W{h}INE like a mother

These days I don't get to have girl time very often and honestly, I don't really think about it most of the time because I am so consumed with balancing being a mother and a wife. That is, until it's been MONTHS since I have seen and had quality time with my best friends. 

I had reached that point. So we had a group text & it was agreed that girl time was needed. 

"Let's go to a winery!" - I texted as I thought to myself - I'm not the one that's pregnant this time!! Sorry Steph!! (Don't worry, she is awesome & was totally okay with it!) 

I'm all amped up Sunday morning to go spend time with some of my "besties" & I say goodbye to my hubs & kiddos ... get in my car & take a deep breath, soaking every moment in. (I don't get much time alone,  so just a car ride feels destressing ) 

"Guess what just happened?" My husband says after I called him to tell him my meds I picked up were free this month (yay!) 

"What?"- I mean I JUST left, what could possibly go wrong?!

"I was holding AJ, cleaning up lunch while Laney was playing and she yells to me "look daddy, look what I am doing!"  And she comes into kitchen and she's CUTTING HER HAIR!"

OMGOSH. My daughters beautiful curls..... 

Luckily, when my husband saw and screamed my daughter stopped and you can barely tell! Okay phew ... again. 

As we all arrived, we quickly started eating and drinking wine. We found ourselves purging all of the things life had thrown at us in the last few months; things that mattered and some things that didn't.

Whose contouring these days?!

Whining about the lack of sleep

Whining about LIFE and all that it entails

Whining about school 

Telling stories about the stupid fights we get into with our husbands.

Telling stories about work -- side note, I found out what they do to test for rabies ... it's not pretty. Thanks Rach. 

We laughed about the bugs flying around and me smashing them and saying "got that son of a bitch!" Or Rachel saying - "At this point I don't care if one of them flies in my mouth and I swallow it, as long as it's gone!"

We talked about motherhood, the awesome parts and the not so awesome parts. We talked about being pregnant and how that somehow gives people the "go-ahead" to give you unsolicited advice. 

I don't know or care if it was the wine or not, but I laughed so hard that I had tears rolling down my face. Talk about therapy! 

Bare with me. There IS a point to this blog. 

We sat there, eating junk, drinking wine (or water), playing Skipbo and as simple as that may sound, we were connecting and rejuvenating each other to take on the world for a few more weeks until it's time again. 

As life changes, as we ourselves change, as we prioritize our own growing families, whether that's children or fur-children, we may not see each other often but we know that as fast as our fingers can type that text or make that phone call ... we will ALL be there. 

Cherish your friends. Give them grace when they may seem absent cause let's face it, we all go "absent" every now and then. 

And mom's, let yourself let go. Let yourself have an afternoon where you drink a little too much wine, eat a little too much, and whine a lot. 

This afternoon was so amazing & when I got home, I felt renewed and SO excited to be greeted by my smiley babies. 

I love you besties-- thank you for our beautiful friendships❤️ 

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