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That sound.

As I look at the clock around 3pm, I'm reminded that's it's that time again. So I check which room I have reserved, grab my bags from fridge & desk, go to the room, close the door, lock it, make sure blind is down, check door once more for good measure & sit down. I slowly unpack everything I need & plug in my machine, turn the switch & I hear that sound again. 

The sound that makes me feel like a human cow. 

The sound that my body is providing for my now 10.5m old. The sound that reminds me of how amazing our bodies are. 

Don't worry. This isn't a "breast is best" post. 

I'll admit. I have been having MAJOR self image issues lately. My once trim body is looking different daily after 2 kids. I workout, I'm super active with my super active kids, and I just feel and see no difference. I criticize my stomach that once laid flat, my arms that were once firm, and my legs that were once much stronger. 

As I sit here, pumping nourishment for my son, like I did for my daughter for 13.5 months, I realize.... my body is amazing. I gave birth to two beautiful babies, I have helped them grow, and I will continue that well after I am "pumping nourishment".  So I may not have a six-pack right now but I'm doing my very best to live a happy, healthy lifestyle for my kids. 

We, mothers, are SO hard on ourselves. But whether you have adopted, gave birth, breastfed, bottle fed ... are bodies are AMAZING. We get up each day and provide for our children. There are weeks I work out 4-5 times and weeks I eat ice cream 4-5 times. (It's called balance 😍) 

So love yourself. Give yourself Grace. And embrace the "mom-bod". 

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